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Beyond The Stitches - February 2022

Welcome to our monthly newsletter where we share what has transpired during the past month, upcoming events and information as well as a special discount just for you.
February is here already!  It seems like we were just eating Turkey for Thanksgiving, completing our Christmas gifts and gathering with family around a great holiday dinner and now......bam.....we are already into the second month of 2022. 

February brings us Groundhog Day, Lincoln's Birthday, Valentine's Day, Presidents Day and Washington's Birthday.  Do you know what else it brings?  It brings a great day to have a FABRIC SALE.  It is not often that you have a date of 2/22/22 which occurs this month so we have decided to create a FABRIC SALE.  Come join us on February 22nd for 22% discount on your fabric purchase (minimum 1 yard cut). 
It's that time of year again when you can really show your love and support us by voting for Beyond The Stitches - Crystal River, Florida in the byAnnie Local Quilt Shop contest.  Simply follow the steps below.  We tied for 3 out of 4 runner-up locations last year with 1,341 shops nationwide and we would LOVE to be #1 this year.  Please take a few minutes and help us by voting.

1.  Visit
2.  Select +Add 
3.  Select Beyond The Stitches LLC - Crystal River, Florida
4.  Let them know why you love our shop
5.  Enter your name and email address
6.  You have the opportunity to share a special moment in our shop
7.  You can submit a photo for extra points
8.  Submit your vote

If you are looking for a picture to submit just visit our Beyond The Stitches LLC Facebook page and you can share one of the pictures we have posted in the past.

**Anyone you know that has an email address can vote for us.  Please share the information**
    Only One (1) vote per email address

You can follow the contest leaderboard here:


We are participating in our first Shop Hop.  Stop by and purchase your Passport for $7.00 ($8.00 beginning March 11) for your opportunity to receive a special pattern and fabric for creative blocks that will help you create your Florida Fun Quilt.  The Shop Hop is on your own time between March 11 through March 26 and will include the following shops.   

We understand WIIFM (What's In It For Me) 😊 so let us explain: You will receive a special pattern AND fabric for a Florida themed block (different block with each location), you will receive a stamp when your Passport is presented, after your Passport is stamped by all nine locations you can turn your completed Passport in at any location to be entered into a drawing (you have 18 chances to win) where you could be the lucky winner of $75.00 or $50.00 at one of the participating shops.  Yes, it is really that simple.

Please help support us by stopping at Beyond The Stitches to purchase your Passport.

A Quilting Palette LLC   -    Lady Lake

Beyond The Stitches   -    Crystal River

Oceans of Thread -    Deland

Quilters Anonymous  -    Clermont

Sew-Mini Things   -    Mt. Dora

Sew Together   -    Wildwood

The Quilt Place-    Orlando

The Sewing Studio Fabric Superstore – Maitland

Wandering Stitches    -    Orlando

Our Learning Center remains open and we offering the following events in February.  Be sure to visit our website at for further details or to enroll.

3       ASG (American Sewing Guild) meeting - you are welcome to visit
4       Quilting with IQ Designer - Special Guest Baby Lock Educator Denise Schober
5       Quilting with IQ Designer - Special Guest Baby Lock Educator Denise Schober
7 - 8  Poppins Bag with Jan S
9       Binding Techniques with Linda Z
12     Serger Basics & Beyond with Jan S
15     Flamingo On The Go Tote with Jan S
18     Open Sewing
19     Totally Trendy with Dot W
21     Folded Star Pincushion with Linda Z
22     Pet Pop Up with Gertie M
26     Serger - Advanced with Jan S
28     Embroidery Quilt Labels with Linda Z

Note: Sew & Tell will begin again on March 5 and continue the First Saturday of each Month at 10:00

Here are some pictures of the fun we have been having in our Learning Center as well as the great projects customers have shared with us from the fabrics purchased at our shop.  Be sure to bring your project by and share your inspiration; we love to celebrate YOU and your success. 


















Come grow with us



Newsletter Special: 
In Stock THREADS - enjoy 20% off all in-stock threads when you show this section of your Newsletter to our Team Member at the time of purchase.  This special does NOT apply to special order or previously purchased items.

You MUST show this section of your Newsletter so be sure to save a screenshot so it appears in your photo gallery on your mobile device or print it as you will need to show it to a Team Member when you check out.  This is a savings for Newsletter subscribers only.

We look forward to visiting with you soon.  Happy Sewing & Creating!

Beyond The Stitches, LLC    Mon - Fri 9:00 - 5:00 pm, Saturday 9 - 3 pm
979 N Suncoast Blvd
Crystal River, FL 34429
(352) 794-3289
Facebook: Beyond the Stitches, LLC