Beyond The Stitches Newsletter - November 2023

We're so glad you're here!
Our Newsletter will provide information on what has transpired during this past month as well as what is coming up.
IFAQH - I Found A Quilted Heart (can be found on FaceBook and
If you haven't learned about this effort that can affect communites across the world please take the time to check out the website or the FaceBook page. We will be hosting anyone that would like to stop by and create a few hearts to take and plant throughout the community. We will be offering fabrics, stuffing, batting and embellishements at NO COST to you as you create a quilted heart at this event. Be sure to join us Saturday, November 4th from 3 pm - 5 pm in our Learning Center. Our shop closes at 3 pm however our Learning Center will remain open for this great event from 3 - 5 pm. YOU take the hearts with you to plant in the community and make a difference in someone's life.
Our Team has been busy preparing for our annual Holiday Open House scheduled for November 16 - 17 - 18
The Holiday Open House event is a fun time where you can enjoy MAJOR DISCOUNTS on all in-stock products, meet new friends, complete some Christmas shopping, see new products including Baby Lock, Bernina and bernette sewing/embroidery/quilting machines and check out the new fabrics / notions / patterns threads.
Be sure to bring your scissors and kitchen knives for sharpening on November 17 as Fred will be here to sharpen your tools.
Central Florida Holiday Hot Pad Hop begins November 17 thru December 2nd. Passports are only $7.00 ($8.00 effective November 17th). Be sure to purchase your passport early and start planning your route as the 6 participating shops are ready to host some fun as they give you their pattern and fabrics to create their hot pad for FREE. After having all 6 shops stamp your passport, be sure to turn in your completed passport to one of the shops to enter the drawing where you will have a chance to win either $50.00 or $75.00 at one of the participating shops. BEST OF LUCK to you and ENJOY!! Here is our display of the hot pads......there is everything from a colorful Fall leave to Thanksgiving to Christmas.
Please send any of your general sewing questions to and we will post your question / answer in next months newsletter.
Learning Center
We have had some great fun in our Learning Center this past month. Here are some pictures to share with you.
Be sure to check out our class schedule on our website at

Serger Bootcamp
We enjoy seeing the projects you are creating with fabrics from our shop. Be sure to stop by and let us help celebrate your success. Here are a few projects that have been celebrated this past month.
Newsletter Special
When you show this section of your newsletter to our Team Members, you can enjoy 20% OFF all in-stock threads.
This special does NOT apply to special order or previously purchased items. Cannot be combined with any other specials.
You MUST show this section of your Newsletter so be sure to save a screenshot so it appears in your photo gallery on your mobile device or print it as you will need to show it to a Team Member when you check out. This is a savings for Newsletter subscribers only.
Sewing Machine Updates
We new shipments of machines often. Be sure to stop by and check out the new Bernina, bernette and Baby Lock machines.
If you don't see the machine you want, simply ask one of our Team Members to add yours to our weekly order.
Service Department
Our 3-day Prior Program allows you to continue to use your machine while you are waiting. Simply let our Team Members know that you would like a Work Order created then we will contact you when we are ready for your machine. Upon contact, you will have 3 business days to bring your machine to our Service Department and we will get your machine done quickly.
We look forward to seeing you soon. Happy Stitching & Creating!
Beyond The Stitches, LLC
979 N Suncoast Blvd
Crystal River, FL 34429
Mon - Fri 9:00 - 5:00 pm, Saturday 9 - 3 pm
(352) 794-3289
Facebook: Beyond the Stitches, LLC